Church Committees

As the body of Christ, it takes all of us to do the Lord's work, and many hands are needed.  We have several committees that need your hands too!  From administrative functions to evangelism and many other important roles in between, our committees work together to make sure Salix Bethel Church is well organized, productive, and doing the work that God has called us to do.  Everybody has a voice.  Come and let yours be heard!

ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD ~ Consists of elected laypersons in the church with general responsibility for the congregations's administration and programs.

ALTAR COMMITTEE ~ Consists of elected laypersons assigned to care for the altar and chancel furnishings.

COUNCIL ON MINISTRIES ~ Consists of members/leaders responsible for program planning and implementation.

EVANGELISM ~ Our Evangelism Committee looks for ways we can share our faith in Jesus Christ.  The most recent sharing was during the "National Day of Prayer."  This committee also shares the "Care Notes" ministry, which are resources you can pick up and share.  These notes are located in the church narthex and in the hallway leading into the social hall.  Topics covered:  grief, health care, personal healing, spiritual care, etc.  There are Care Notes for teens and children to help them with issues of drugs, drinking, bullying, peer pressure, etc.

FINANCE COMMITTEE ~ Our Finance Committee creates our budget.  They raise, manage, and distribute the resources of the congregation to support and strengthen the mission and ministry of our church.

NOMINATIONS & PERSONNEL ~ This committee calls on members of the church to fill positions that are essential for our ministry and outreach in our community.

STAFF PASTOR PARISH RELATIONS ~ This committee's primary task is to support the pastor so they can work effectively in managing the ministry of the congregation for witness and service.

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL COMMITTEE ~ This group decides our theme for VBS.  They create, coordinate, and make each Vacation Bible School a success!  This is our most influential ministry of Salix Bethel Church.

TRUSTEES COMMITTEE ~ This committee supervises and maintains the church building and grounds.