Get Involved!
Salix Bethel Church
As we examine the Scriptures, we understand that every person is created for a specific purpose. That purpose is discovered as we establish an authentic relationship with God through Jesus Christ, inviting Him into our lives to bring the transformation that He would desire to accomplish. From there, we learn about ourselves by examining the way God made us and the special spiritual gifts that He has given us. And finally, we find fulfillment as we serve others, making an eternal difference.
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms. ~ 1 Peter 4:10
OUR VISION: Connecting you with God and others!
Are you new to Salix Bethel Church? Would you like to get involved? Here’s what you can do:
Complete the I WANT TO GET INVOLVED? card that can be found in each pew, in the hallway, or in the back of the church. You can also complete this form HERE!
If completed by hand, please give it to the person at the GET INVOLVED table in the back of the church or place it in the "Get Involved" box on the table. If completed online, be sure to click the SUBMIT button at the end of the form.
You will receive a phone call, text, or email from our Volunteer Coordinator with information about your areas of interest or to answer any questions you may have.
Depending on your area of interest, you will be trained or mentored. A follow-up will be provided to see if this volunteer position suits you and your spiritual gifts.
*Some volunteer positions will require Acts 33 & 34 clearances.
KNOW GOD: You were created to know God in a personal way, to have a relationship with Him through His Son, Jesus Christ. We consider reaching people who do not know God personally to be one of our greatest responsibilities.
KNOW FREEDOM: Freedom is knowing that we have escaped the consequences of sin because of what Jesus did for us. When we accept Christ into our hearts, He breaks the chains of sin restoring our relationship with God and giving us eternal life. He frees us from our guilt, shame, and broken-heartedness.
KNOW PURPOSE: By centering our lives around God (worship), learning to love God’s family (fellowship), cultivating spiritual maturity (discipleship), contributing something back (ministry), and telling others about God’s love (evangelism), we will build the foundation for a successful and satisfying life.
MAKE A DIFFERENCE: We have been given an opportunity to make our lives count for all eternity as we find, develop, and fulfill our God-given purpose. As you impact the lives of others by serving in your area of giftedness, you will see your relationship with God and your perspective on life grow and change in amazing ways. We are excited about all that God is going to do in and through you!
If you volunteer to work with our Children's Ministry and/or Youth Ministry, you must obtain your Acts 33 and 34 Clearances from the state of Pennsylvania. There is no cost to volunteers. Please click on the links below to begin. When you receive these clearances, please give a copy to our church secretary. Thank you!
Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance
Pennsylvania State Police Criminal History Clearance
In addition, all volunteers must complete the Volunteer Application Form. If you're one of our teen volunteers (grade 7 through age 17), please complete the Volunteer Application Form and have your parents complete the Parental Consent Form. These forms must be given to our church secretary when completed. THANK YOU!